Dedicated to MangaKid... queen of realism the number one Otaku I look up to, and have held the utmost respect for, since I first joined.
I decided the other night to try my hand at semi-realism again, but using the watercolor brush in Manga Studio. That particular brush seems to work well for my technique, and thanks to all my staring exposure to MangaKid's AWSHUM-TIMES-A-MILLION portfolio/techniques, I've seemed to gain some iota of skill through osmosis. Yay~
In all seriousness, I really attribute a lot of my art progress to her influence... domo arigatou gozaimasu, Jenna-sama! *bows*
I'd also like to make a shout-out to Ebbiru, another amazingles-as-mess realism specialist who I look up to as well. Her art journey into realism and the amount of progress she has made in mastering her technique has also driven me to push myself. DOMO ARIGATOU! *bows*
As for my art itself... took me about, ehh, an hour, I think? Give or take 15 mins or so. Magical bamboo tablet and MangaStudio 5 as always (still haven't installed that upgrade!)
OH BY THE WAY! Everything except the background (only the purple) and my signature was done on one layer. Cool, right? Well for me at least!
Art (C) elricbrothersfan (meee!)