Tsutsumi24 (Fan Art Portfolio) The Fox and The Feline: Drunken Crushes

The Fox and The Feline: Drunken Crushes
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Okay...this actually has a story, so hold on...

One night, me and my friends decided to have a party and drink. As we all know by now, I, Audio, still have feelings for Ryuu, my ex(whom I regret ever breaking up with). Well, he was present at this little house party, and my best friend, Cherushi, decided it was time to prove to me once and for all that Ryuu wanted to fix things with me.
Being the clever little shit that she is, she pulled him into the kitchen, where I was sitting on the floor already significantly drunk(100 proof Southern Comfort, Mike's Hard Lemonade and beer will do that to you). She asked him, "Truth or dare", and being afraid that she would dare him to do something he didn't want to, he chose truth.
She asked him, right in front of me, if somewhere down the line, he would get back together with me if I fixed things with him, and he said yes. But, of course, I didn't hear him the first time, because being as drunk as I was, I was distracted by everyone else being stupid. So they had to repeat it.
I took off running into my room in tears of joy, and when I finally got over my crying fit, I went back out into the room full of drunk friends, and there he was, waiting for me. He got hold of me, and said, "We need to sing our song together on Rockband if it'll work, okay?" (Our song is "[If You're Wondering If I Want You To] I Want You To"). Unfortunately the song didn't work.
We did however sing together at one point, after which I told him I was dizzy. He made me sit with him, my body leaned against his slightly and our hands clasped together, and I could FEEL myself blushing like crazy from being so close to him.
Come time for me to lay down, he helped me change my clothes, and stayed with me till I fell asleep.
And when I woke up sick later on, he helped me to the bathroom and back to my room. He even cared for me the very next day.

All of this inspired this little doodle. Long story and personal, I know, but I thought I would share exactly WHY I drew this.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
Audio, Crush, Cute, Drunk, Love, OCs, Ryuu, The Fox And The Feline
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1 member Favoritefavorite
Blood Moon Wolf
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