Completed 1/30/14
this was inspired by a dream that inspired a shortish sesskag fanfic idea...there was a lot of inspiring going on
what happened was, after the dream, i literally rolled out of bed, grabbed one of my many notebooks, and went about trying to get down the dress she was in; because you know how often dreams have a somewhat ambiguous way of showing things, nothing distinct, plus it would help as a reminder since i did not begin putting the numerous dreams that built up this fanfic idea into a word doc for many more days after the initial one occurred
anywho! this is not any particular scene, merely me figuring the appearance of her sacrificial gown for later reference
i am uploading all the very backed up art
and until i get near to current pieces, i will not be posting the descriptions of each
however, i am now getting closer to current so there may be tiny bits of descript, but not the whole thing
instead, you can go view the deviantART post of it, if you are interested