I should start this whole thing off with an apology.
I stopped using this site a long time ago, as you probably know.
everyone I used to know left, and after being stranded, I didn't know what to do...so I moved over to Devinatart, the arch rival of theotaku.
well. deviantart has been kind to me. I've met tons of wonderful artists who have given me many opportunities to improve and gain some perspective.
looking back,I feel really silly about how I acted here on theO. my home. my safe haven. I was such a weebo. that's alright though. i was with all of you, who embraced it, embraced me just as I was.
thank you
i love you guys.
and I miss you.
so I have decided, starting today, to work to bring my otaku up to the same level of activity as my DA.
because I think this place is something different, something special.
something so wonderful, nothing else on the internet is quite like it.
it's wonderful to be back, i hope you'll accept me.
what have I missed, guys?