Some pixel art examples for Chipolvee and a little project she's working on and wants our help on ^^ Here's her post about it ^^ :)
As examples of pixel art I can do I drew these of my OC's Llew and Ozzy, I've done them as full body, icon and little chibi/sprite things. I was thinkng this is what they would look like if they were sapped into a final fantasy game X) Ozzy would be a scholar/mage represented by the book and Llew would be some sort of knight, represented by the sword. Also I'm not counting this as an image of them together, I really need to draw them interacting XD (maybe along the FF theme :D)
I had fun making these, they're not my best, but I'm still practicing and I was trying to juggle quite a few things this week ^^; but I still did try my best :)
Ozzy and Llew belong to me :D
other pixel art - Storyteller