I wanted to try and start using some of my soft pastels recently and I have been practicing a lot, so that’s why I’ve been a bit quiet on the art side of things (and also studying), this is pretty much my 4rth piece with the pastels, the first 2 came out ok but they were drawn on bad quality paper and I’d it especially showed up on the scan and I might upload those as a world post soon and the third one came out well and I’ll upload it when I can.
This is made with soft pastel, watercolour and watercolour pencils.
I wanted to try to create a sense of peaceful and serenity when he sang, but I don’t think it came out that well, I might remake this once I get better at this. The only tweeking on the computer I did was correct the skin colour and hair colour and size of the headphone
Ozzy belongs to me