chris ijt (Fan Art Portfolio) 3D Modeling - Dining Car Interior #1

3D Modeling - Dining Car Interior #1
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Hiiiiii~ I think somewhere in my "sudden submission spamming" I mentioned that I was also doing modelling rite? well it's not those "kind of modelling", u know, fancy clothes, cat walk, stuff...

3D MODELLING :D yeaah, it's fun, n challenging, n once the file is heavy it'll crash 10 times in 30 minutes, so *FLIP TABLE*, it took a lot of patience.... if you know what I mean.

This is actually a group project, my group made a 3D model of a whole California style steam train, n I got the dining car part. So, in truth, I didn't just modelled the interior but also the exterior... but since my group portfolio's a video, n I can't upload a video here... so I can't really show you the whole thing, I apologize for that, gotta say tho... too bad you can't see the locomotive IT'S PRETTY AWeSOME!!!

we evem, rigged the wheels so that the train can actually moves like a real train, down to the smallest wheel parts....

the hard part was gathering references, knowing what objects to put, what's it made of, how the material bounces light, texturing n stuff, it's a whole lot of work, n a whole lot of CRASHES.... so yea, it's fun in a stressful way~~

my life~ lol

Done using:
- Autodesk Maya
- Textures painted in photoshop

Personal Fan Art
3D, butter, car, carpet, chair, dining, lol, maya, night, plates, Render, restaurant, train, wood
3 votes thumb
3 members Favoritefavorite
Koyuki11 yuko9kost
Member Dedication
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