chris ijt (Fan Art Portfolio) 3D Modeling - Dining Car Interior #2

3D Modeling - Dining Car Interior #2
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Well here's another still image of the interior that I've made
just so you know, to render this 1 still image took like half an hour, n I only used like 4 different render passes (if you know modelling, you'd know what I mean), basically the more render passes that you have, the better it will look.

sigh... wish I can upload the demo reel... not just the modelling, but also animation xD, just cuz I've been absent for too long, you know... to let you know that I actually did a lot of stuff in my absence (self defence here)

I'm nearing the end of my spamming session, I might upload some sketches that I made in my spare time, only some quick sketches tho... nothing special...

Btw, I might be absent again *apologizing in advance*, I'm gonna specialize in 3D animation for my 3rd year, so during semester break, I'll be practising my animation, I'm sorry that I won't be able to post any animation that I have and will make, I'm sure you know why lol...

we were supposed to choose between 3D Modelling, 3D Animation, or Visual Effects. Since I kinda love animating more than modelling, or even conceptual stuff (the one where I got to submit paintings n such, just CUZ I'm still a noob, so I don't like it lol *slaps self* I'll practice tho, promise you that... I didn't choose modelling, cuz I just don't hav the patience nor passion for it, to model something awesome it'll take a loong time, n you won't be able to see the full view of what you've made until you composite everything in the end (which takes like days), unlike animation, I can see and make things come to life as I work, it's pretty FUN, n of course if you mess things up, n so the character ur animating gets jumbled up (broken bones, overstretched like crazy), it'll put a smile on your face (n a slight stress, cuz it means there's something wrong). as for VFX, I am interested, but it's considerably new in my college, and to what I've heard, they mainly teach compositing instead of um... what's the word again... something like emulating elements like fire, water, smoke, explosion, stuff you know...

just a little fun info for you to know :D, in 1 second of animation in normal timing there are about 25 frames (pictures), but nowadays games n movies go for 60 frames. and for a film like Transformers, to render 1 frame, it will take approx 23 hours, n you know how long the movie is right? just imagine what kind of processor they have... yep, fun info xD

Personal Fan Art
3D, assignment, car, dining, project, render, restaurant, train, yeah
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