itsumademo (Fan Art Portfolio) Raeia Sketch

Raeia Sketch
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One of six profile sketches I doodled up, all are oc’s of mine who either needed faces or updated ones

This here is Raeia, she is from my old story The Catalyst, and I only ever drew her once—I think that ugly ancient thing is on my old DA account actually, and maybe on this site too—but regardless of that, she was pretty much undefined in both appearance and character back then

I actually don’t really like this one much, I was having a hard time getting her to cooperate…plus I found it a bit more difficult to portray youth with a profile as her usual appearance is that of a 12-13 year old girl, not to mention she has thinner, somewhat sharper features

  • Raeia has long, wavy, and, like all immortals, black hair and bright lavender eyes. When in child form she has a softly but still pointed chin and somewhat rounded cheeks, her nose is shorter and the point is a little less prominent, much like her chin. Her eyes are seemingly larger and more intense almost because of the dark youthful grins she makes, her childlike form accentuating her cruel delight. When in adult form, a rarity, her jaw is a little thinner, losing the roundness of youth, and her chin more to a point, her nose is longer, a little more curved and the pointed tip is a little sharper. Her lips are also a little thinner, but more defined, as are her eyes; despite losing that edge her youth gave, her true form is no less intimidating. As a child she is around 5’3”, with the slightest hints of form to her body, but mostly childlike. As an adult she is about 5’11”, slender and regal.

  • Raeia is one of the first three Immortals in my story, and she is the primary villain as well; due to her bringing of chaos into their world, the other two capped her power considerably in order to stop or at least lessen the destruction she caused; in doing this she was forced into a smaller form, that of a child—she can return to her adult form but it takes more power, so she avoids it in order to maintain her abilities as best as possible—; she felt betrayed by her friends, practically siblings, and this only brought out her rage, which led to her position in the main setting of the story.

Raeia belongs to ME, a.k.a, itsumademo on theOtaku/itsufer on deviantART


Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
character, concept, doodle, immortal, itsu, itsufer, itsumademo, oc, original, profile, raeia, sketch, the catalyst, traditional
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