Sane Restriction (Fan Art Portfolio) Pokemon Trainer OC (Rough Draft)

Pokemon Trainer OC (Rough Draft)
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This is the rough draft (done in pencil) of my submission for SmallxLady's contest titled 'Who are you?'.

Everything's still up in the air, though, so this may never make it past the B/W draft stage.

The goal of the contest was to draw yourself or an OC as a Pokémon trainer and their Pokémon.

For this, I essentially went through my stockpile of OC ideas and rustled up this guy and paired him with a Pokémon to give him some purpose (after all, no one likes being a nonentity (although he's nameless, anyway, so I guess I haven't really helped him all that much)).

I was really rushed doing this (I didn't realized the deadline was so soon), so his outfit is not as complex as I would like (I'll probably end up erasing and redoing it, anyway), and his posture/proportions are way out of whack (that'll be edited later).

Furthermore, Dusknoir was a last minute selection because I really badly wanted a Ghost-type Pokémon for this dude and Dusknoir was the Pokémon with the closest thing to a maneuverable tail (I wanted a long-bodied Pokémon, because those are easy to work with in drawings, but Dusknoir's poof thing is the best I'll be getting, I guess).

Whatever, it'll come together eventually.

Not to mention the background needs much, much enhancement.

Okay, well, could you guys comment with suggestions for the guy's hair color and name? Much appreciated!

Also: any imperfections (such as proportions) that you notice are important, too. Please let me know! I can usually catch most of them, but you never now: after all, one view's one's work with a diluted eye.

Hopefully I won't miss the deadline.

Pokemon Fan Art
draft, dusknoir, oc, pencil, pokemon, restriction, rough, sane, sketch, trainer
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