Well it's been a very long time since I posted anything here. I'll try to change that.
This is kind of a scene from my fancomic "Future Girl".
Bura develops a close relationship with a certain era Trunks and grows to trust and rely on him. But after his era is attacked from saiyans from Bura's time, and puts his mother in danger, he turns his back on her, and actually attacks her, telling her to leave and never come back.
Bura is devastated by this and takes off. She later returns to save him from a surprise attack from Broly's son Kumat and gets badly injured in the process, but is able to apologize to him just as she transports herself and Kumat back to their time and blocking Trunk's time from being able to link back up with her time.
This event causes her lack trust in others, even those from her own time, and she becomes determined to handle her own problems by herself. This only leads to bigger problems for her to deal with.