Ellenor Mererid (Fan Art Portfolio) Double Trouble

Double Trouble
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I wanted to draw some chibis and something cute as a little break. I also wanted to practice drawing chibis and to try and get a cute little style that I like, I like the general feel to it and stuff but I don’t like the colouring of it ^^;

It’s also given me a chance to draw and work on some of Lovell’s other friends, it goes from Left to Right – Lovell, Princess Isana and Lele. They’re his friends from his homeland. Lele is only half Vorismarian, so that why he looks a little different. But Lovell and the princess treat him very good and don’t treat him any differently, they just pull on his leg and mess with him a lot because he gets flustered easier. They are also the best of friends.
Princess Isana is head strong and determined, she is also the next in line to the throne and enjoys causing as much mischief as Lovell. I am also sooo proud of her dress and I really like it :D (I have her pretty much worked out and I’ll say more next time)
Poor Lele and has to wear a different uniform. Because he’s of mixed race he does get picked on, and he’s generally treated like a dogs body, his guardian is a member of parliament and because they thought they would behave better with someone their age, he is put in charge of the children of the royals and prime minister (and other politicians) children. How wrong they are XD Lovell and Isana are the eldest of the children and are the most difficult to look after XD He likes looking after Avivi (and Iven once he arrives) the most as they actually listen to him the most and feels connected to Iven as they’re both outsiders are different to the rest of the citizens. (also as a note: the people of Vorismar aren’t racist, but due to their skittish nature and that they’ve shut themselves away for so long they’re just weary of all outsiders)

Lovell, Princess Isana and Lele belong to me
I hope you all like it :D

Personal Fan Art
Chibis, cute, isana, lele, lovell, mischief, oc, princess, trouble
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