Chibisima (Fan Art Portfolio) Rena's Final Post-Critique Turnaround

Rena's Final Post-Critique Turnaround
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Name: Rena Abrams
Nickname: "Sparky"
Age: 19
Height: 5' 0"
D.O.B: August 28th (Virgo)
P.O.B: Phoenix, Arizona
Nationality: African-American and Dominican
Classification: Elemental Type CMA (Chimeric Mutation Anomaly)
Hobbies: Sculpting, Sewing, Writing, Training


All Rena has ever wanted to do is use her powers to help the Alliance, but due to the destructive nature of her ability to manipulate her own bioelectricity, all she's done is cause trouble wherever she goes. It doesn't help that she can barely control her power and that she's constantly expels massive amounts of electricity every time she her emotions run high. This has made her a target for the Regime and she has been on the run with her older brothers since her powers emerged with the loss of her twin brother during the Phoenix takeover. Despite that, Rena is independent, analytical, and reserved by nature and always strives to do her best even if that means training long hours every day to control her powers. Her perseverance makes her a competitive person and she will not back down from a challenge regardless of how experienced her competitor is. Most of the time, she tends to be almost obnoxiously inquisitive by her need to always figure out what is going through a person’s head and will not be afraid to speak her mind or make criticism. Losing her twin has given her a deep resentment towards cyborgs and Danny is no exception, but after accidentally electrocuting him during a battle with Regime hunters and triggering the REVOLVER program, the Alliance has forced the two to work together. It is now up to her to
learn to control her abilities and watch over Danny to hinder him from using the program again.

Fun Facts:

-While Danny's fighting style uses Systema, Rena's is geared more towards some close range use of Southern Praying Mantis style which allows her to disable her opponents by hitting their pressure points with doses of her bioelectricity. However, she is more comfortable striking from longer distances since close range combat makes her nervous.

-While she’s not a psychic, her ability to sense other’s bioelectric currents helps her read a person’s emotions and makes her very adaptive to confrontations, sometimes even taking on the same disposition as the person she is speaking to. Don't lie to her because she can tell when you are!

- She has an affinity for turtles so giving her anything turtle related will make her super happy : D

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
anime, rena, revolver
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allycat2090 kita mikichi
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