(Fan Art Portfolio) X1-000/Michael Davidson

X1-000/Michael Davidson
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X1-000 is the first in its class. A super weapon of genocidal proportions. A war machine that can wipe out an entire nation in as little as a few hours. It's deadly, it's indestructible, it feels no pain, and it's very much dead. X1-000 was created using the body of the deceased war general Michael Davidson who had died in an ambush while raiding an enemy encampment. His body was found and taken to the states, but upon seeing his past records during his days at the academy and seeing how all his tests were off the charts it was decided that instead of sending him to his family to be buried they would turn him into the first super soldier. Although his body is made of about 80% machine most of his internal organs are still the originals. He remembers nothing of his past and nothing of the family that he was forced to leave behind. He is kept at The Institution as a night guard while the scientist also run tests on him before he is sent to the army.

An alarm wails loudly in the late hours of the night. Scientists and military personnel are running and yelling orders to each other to watch for intruders and to kill them on site. No one who wandered here was allowed to live. X1-000's ear com clicks and he is met with the frantic voice of one of the scientist's.
"X1 do you copy?!"
"Loud and clear sir." He said in a monotone voice.
"There is an intruder is on the premises. You know what to do!!"
"Yes sir. Search and destroy target."
"Good! NOW FIND HER!!" The scientist ends harshly and the com clicks off.
"Her? Well that's different." X1-000 says to himself. "Well, a job is a job."
X1-000 notices a shadow fly by stacks of storage crates and immediately takes off towards it, but he finds nothing. While checking for thermal scans a voice whispers behind him,
"Now i've got you."
He spins, preparing his arm gun. He hears a popping sound and his body is hit with bolts of electricity. He doesn't feel the pain but the overload causes him to short out and his vision goes black with nothing seen but a flash of purple clothing, white hair, and the scent of women's perfume.

Personal Fan Art
cyborg, davidson, michael, robot, soldier, super, weapon
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