The character that wore that outfit I designed turned out so well for just random slapped together hair and eyes, I decided to replace my old Lisa design with this one lol. I don't have any long-haired characters yet, and simply braiding them back fixes it getting in the way when she kick-boxes (I think?) Anyway, its been raining/overcast non-stop here in Ottawa, so I decided to use it as inspiration for this rather than let it depress me. The rain drops are simple, but they do work, and I finally settled on a brush to paint clouds. They turned out way softer than last time, but it still fits. I realize now the background gradient should have been darker, since the bottom left doesn't quite look like a rainy day lol.
I also drew this to show my OC Lisa's compassionate side; usually she's the one teasing, matchmaking or cooking up plots for her own entertainment, but she can be genuinely helpful when she feels like it. Usually when someone feels really bad and she knows her pranks would just add to problems. Its really just to hide her own insecurities and loneliness, but that's enough ranting/character development for today lol.