Sane Restriction (Fan Art Portfolio) Untitled3 (Rough Draft)

Untitled3 (Rough Draft)
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Hello, fellow entities!

This is my rough draft for a drawing I might submit to nikkeh09's 'Vampire' challenge. Maybe, maybe not....

It's of an 'OC', per se, named Addens (although I may change it to Adder). I'm not sure what exactly I'm going to do with him, but I think he'll end up a supporting character in one of my video games.... I don't know yet.

I spent longer on his tattoo sleeve than I would have liked, but it's all good. Does it even look like a tattoo sleeve? And his eyes took forever (not to mention I butchered his eyebrows, but I'll fix that on the color draft). The shading is screwed, too, 'cause it's getting late and I'm getting careless.
(It looks better on paper in real life, I swear, you know, 'cause all of the mistakes aren't so amplified by the scanner)

Not to mention my very rushes and very slapdash tarot cards. You know, I don't really know why he's holding tarot cards, but I have this obsession with tarot cards right now, so I just put them in for the Hell of it... I did do my research and select appropriate cards, of course.

The one he's holding is 'Devil', representing temptation (he is a vampire, after all). The one below his necklace (which I imagine he wears as defiance against the whole 'crosses repel vampires' thing (since everyone knows the cross is a psychological repellant and doesn't actually work, right? ^o^)) is 'Judgment', representing morality and balance (the cruel reality of the food chain, to be more precise), and the one on the bottom that's cut off is 'Nine of Swords', representing unrest (and, in this case, literally 'sleepless nights').

Please comment with criticisms/comments/advice/etc! I'd really appreciate it!

Personal Fan Art
addens, pencil, restriction, sane, sketch, tattoo, tattoos, vampire
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