NEW GLASSES YO!!! *punches the air*
Just got them from the eyewear place today, and I'm so stoked! Wonder how many of my friends are going to actually notice, given my previous style was more chunky than these are (super-slim frames, WUT WUT!). And they're actually better shaped for my eyes! Thanks dad for giving me close-set eyes I really appreciate it and it makes it SO EASY to find frames... *brick'd by the sarcasm detector*
My actual glasses can be seen on the brand site here!
Phew... I haven't done any actual art in FOREVER... I should get back to doing that. Now that I've seen what the homework load is gonna be like (kinda), I should be able to block time off for art. RIGHT AFTER I FINISH NANOWRIMO.
Trying out a new watermark... aka I kinda just scribble my username so the watermark is unique every time *shot*
Art (c) elricbrothersfan (me!)