The Mask (Fan Art Portfolio) King of Manga Pro-Wrestling: Goro Shigeno

King of Manga Pro-Wrestling: Goro Shigeno
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「キングオブマンガプロレス」: 茂野 吾郎

This is Goro Shigeno. He is dressed as professional wrestling legend Mitsuharu Misawa. I made this in celebration of Goro's birthday. Happy birthday, Goro!

I hope you will like it. I would appreciate your feedback for this drawing.


Extra Notes:
Being a fan of the baseball anime/manga series MAJOR, I decided to make a tribute of Goro Shigeno in honor of his fictional 26th birthday. (In canon, he was born on November 5, 1987.) I actually tried to think of other ideas which were more canon to the series. But since I was fresh off from making my Naruto tribute, I decided to do this instead as part of my "King of Manga Pro-Wrestling" parody series.

Besides, I'm not just drawing Goro as a pro-wrestler. I'm drawing him as the legendary Mitsuharu Misawa.

I drew Goro as Mitsuharu Misawa originally because Misawa is known for the color green. This happened to be the color of Goro's major league team Indiana Hornets, and Goro's baseball uniform really reminded me of Misawa's ring attire.

After much thought, I realized that Goro and Misawa actually have a lot more in common. Both of them grew up in a non-traditional family, with Goro being an orphan at a young age and Misawa having divorced parents. Goro was very passionate about baseball, while Misawa was just as passionate about professional wrestling. Because of this passion, they knew even at a young age what they wanted to be when they grew up.

The parallels between the two eventually become quite chilling. Because both of them are very passionate in their respective sports, they were willing to put their bodies and their lives on the line in the name of the game. As a result, Goro would suffer serious injuries, most notably the injury in his right shoulder, and would come so close to death while giving it all in his sport. Misawa would also have his own share of injuries as a pro-wrestler, and unfortunately, one of those injuries proved to be fatal as he unexpectedly passed away shortly after performing his last match in 2009.

(This realization actually hit me so much, so I had to write it. Sorry if the tone suddenly became dark.)

To lighten things up, here's one more similarity between the two. Both of them became very popular in the 1990s and the 2000s. However, it may be fair to say that Goro's popularity in the manga world dwarfs in comparison to Misawa's popularity in the pro-wrestling world.

Happy birthday, Goro Shigeno. And may God bless your soul, Mitsuharu Misawa.

Major Fan Art
baseball, goro, goro honda, goro shigeno, honda, honda goro, king of manga pro-wrestling, major, misawa, mitsuharu misawa, parody, pro-wrestling, prowrestling, puroresu, shigeno, shigeno goro, tcg, trading card, trading card game, wrestling
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