So... I did my art summary, which is coincidentally my 100th fanart submission to theO. Woop woop! *pumps fists*
I didn't get to do artwork for March, May, June, or August, but I had some artwork for the other months of the year... I had a bajillion ones for January and November, but I just couldn't pick one for November, so I did two!
I'm gonna go the lazy way and put links for each month so you can read the footnotes if you want.
January: Profound (one of the works I showed the art teacher at school, which may or may not have contributed to my acceptance in the Talented and Gifted Art program)
February: Self Portrait (I did this for my dad's birthday)
April: Betrayed (an unusually realistic fanart)
July: A Single Soul (MangaKid's birthday present)
September: Happy Birthday, Alex! (aka UnknownKey)
October: Character Bio - Al (one of my now-abandoned characters ;3;)
November - A: Reflected Sunset (a mod's pick from a couple weeks back!)
November - B: Can I Help You? (which also got turned into a tshirt that I'm wearing right now!)
December: My Secret Santa Fanart Gift for art4life
Well... several of my selections were birthday presents... and partly because they were the only submissions for their months. ;3; I definitely will be doing more art in 2015, partly because I'm participating in the Sketch Marathon hosted by Keba Si Rota, and partly because I really want to get back into art (given I want to major in Sequential Art in college).
All art (c) me
Any characters that aren't mine (c) their respective owners