chris ijt (Fan Art Portfolio) Self Portrait

Self Portrait
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Yoooo~~ been so long, so sorry bout that,
been doing that a lot lately it seems :(.
anyway today's a holiday (CNY holiday), n I decided to paint myself (not exactly for fun at first, it was for an assignment)

I'm supposed to make a portfolio website, and for the "about me" section, I decided to paint myself instead of placin my picture there lol....

yes I look like a kid =_=", but not this much, I over-emphasized the "kid-ness" of myself, and this was my hair a few months ago, it's longer now lol

I'm working on my final project now, only 2 semesters left, we're divided into groups, the animation department -> animators, 3D modelers, VFX artists (I'm an animator btw lol) are combined with the illustration department, we joined this program called

Studio Simulator lead by Mike Murphy, he's the animator who's involved in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Stuart Little, Shrek, etc etc... one month down out of 8. We're gonna produce an original short film by the end of the 8th month, and it's our final project.

I'm so excited in finishing and wrapping college up, though it's gonna be tough. Oh and, I'll be continuing my studies even further to get my degree abroad first, I'm thinking UK...

AH! and I'm planning (if I can manage) to join Comic Fiesta (in Malaysia, where I study now), open a booth with my fellow friends, it'll be awesome if I can actually able to pull it off.

At any case, if I am, I'll post up the artworks that I'll be selling for CF here afterwards, we'll see ;)

Personal Fan Art
and, digital, I, impressionism, me, myself, painting, portrait, self
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5 members Favoritefavorite
Ellenor Mererid yuko9kost kita mikichi nikkeh09
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