fire.freak (Fan Art Portfolio) "You're staring again, itoko-chan."

"You're staring again, itoko-chan."
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A collab with the wonderfully talented itsnattie on deviantArt! ; U ; Ohman, first things first: Her chibi style is ADORABLE. I love it agghhhhh <333 Second: Hayato is hella cool! Wow! His design is really something unique and his story is interesting! I made it my business to get into his business and understand him as a character before doing the collab~ So I know that he has a girlfriend WHOOPS 8'D //shotmultipletimes

Arai obviously has a thing for Hyuga boys eheheh~ //slapped Being half Hyuga herself is reason enough except not really 8'D

But I had tons of fun doing this collab! Hayato's great, the posing was great, everything was perfection and I'm totally happy! C: I also experimented a little with the lighting from behind Hayato because I thought it might be a nice, serene almost romantic touch :'D

As for the little quote, as I read Hayato's bio, I saw that one of his quotes were "Don't stare at me." SOMETHING HE WOULD TOTALLY SAY TO ARAI. This girl has a staring problem, almost PFFFFT. I could imagine that he caught her staring at him a few times prior. But she's too bashful to keep it up once someone notices that she's been staring, so she would quickly turn her head away all embarrassed-like. However, completely entranced and captivated by Hayato at this moment, Arai can't look away. Thus, Hayato attempts to get her attention by saying "Hey. You're staring again." A play on his actual quote ehehe~

Something went wonky when I was doing her left leg, but whatevs 8D

Hayato Hyuga (c) itsnattie on dA
Arai Hyuga-Takameshi (c) FiammaJoule (Me) on dA

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