Rainbow Dragon (Fan Art Portfolio) .:Clifford and Company:.

.:Clifford and Company:.
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To be honest I'm not sure what category to put this drawing in. I realize that is it a fairly unusual crossover. I decided to draw characters (the dogs and background setting) from a kids show I used to watch on PBS kids. Its called "Clifford the Big Red Dog" which was based on the children's books written by Norman Birdwell. And of course the anime character in the picture is Johan Anderson from Yu-Gi-Oh GX. He's my favorite character of all time and this drawing was intended to be a small fan art tribute to my childhood.

I've had the lineart done for a few weeks now. Last night I just finally got around to coloring it (actually it was Sunday night and it was in the middle of the night. Long story.) It took me about a couple hours to color this. Colored with Crayola colored pencils.

In the drawing features Clifford (the big red dog, he's hard to miss,in the cartoon he was voiced by John Ritter.), and his dog friends Cleo (who is a purple poodle wearing a pink bow) and the yellow dog is T-Bone. They would go on adventures all around Birdwell Island (Named for author Norman Birdwell) and whatnot. I used to really enjoy this show. And of course Johan, I wanted to draw him interacting with the dogs. And his vest is a slightly different coloration. And I think because of his ability to talk to Duel Monster spirits, he'd be able to talk to the dogs.

And the setting is in Emily Elizabeth's backyard (she's Clifford's owner) and of course his giant dog house he sleeps in. Also surrounded by trees and surrounding houses and bushes.

Now the infodump is over. XD
Please enjoy the artwork. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated.

Enhanced in Photoshop and the drawing looks better in real life. Photo of drawing was taken with my fone.

Dedicated to Geekybluez

Personal Fan Art
backyard, blue sky, cleo, Clifford, clifford the big red dog, clouds, crossover, dog house, dogs, johan anderson, norman birdwell, pbs kids, pink bow, poodle, t-bone, trees, yellow dog, yu-gi-oh gx
15 votes thumb
7 members Favoritefavorite
envythejealous 21Emmz12 GeekyBluez Ellenor Mererid
Member Dedication
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