Kitty K.O. (Fan Art Portfolio) Eagor's (Not So) Secret Crush

Eagor's (Not So) Secret Crush
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For reason's I haven't explained yet, Eagor has this huge crush on Pinkie Pie. He's always been the very shy type and has trouble speaking his mind. He doesn't do well with being the center of attention. But they say we fall for others with qualities we wish we had. Eagor really admires Pinkie's outgoing personality and the fact that everything she stands for just flies in the face of common sense.

He tends to get along well with Fluttershy, despite her past experience with his cousin, Gilda. He's often apologizing on her behalf, despite his shyness. More than being afraid of being the focus, he doesn't want others to be hurt. In a way, that could be key to him breaking out of his shell.

Lives with MangaKeri (For the sake of lessening confusion, well just call her PonyKeri ) due to an injury that caused PonyKeri to take him in. Even after healing up, however, PonyKeri finds she enjoys his company. Plus, it's always nice to have a helping hoof (claw, in Eagor's case) around the hut.

I say not so secret because it's obvious to everyone except Pinkie that he's totally head over heels for her XD; Poor guy...

Have considered doing a short comic of Eagor meeting PonyKeri and one of his love-at-first-sight encounter with Pinkie. We'll see if I ever get around to it, though XD;

Also, even though I had the thought for this artwork a while ago, after seeing The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone, I was like "OMG IT'S TOTALLY CANON! PINKIE'S INTO GRIFFONS!" XD Lol, have heart, Eagor, there's hope for you yet! X3

My Little Pony Fan Art
crush, Eagor, Friendship is Magic, griffin, griffon, Kitty K.O., My Little Pony, pinkie pie, pony
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