Rainbow Dragon (Fan Art Portfolio) .:Dark Embrace:.

.:Dark Embrace:.
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Song(s) that inspired this drawing
Angel Of Darkness (Extended Mix) - Alex C. Ft. Yasmin K

Borderland - Mami Kawada

Other Links/References
Featured Character: "Dark" Jesse Anderson (Yu-Gi-Oh GX) (also called "Jehu")

Sailor scout Uniform (for girl, obviously)

"Dark Johan" Drawing reference (he's on the right in the picture)

Well that's "Links" portion of this artwork description

Oh and Long Description is LONG. :)
Well after awhile of not submitting any art, here is a drawing I made for Sena's "Magical Scenes of Epicness" Fan art challenge. There were a few songs that inspired this drawing and I hope that's ok. I linked them above. :)

The story behind this is that a girl (not named) stumbles across the hiding place/lair of Dark Johan. She is determined to rescue Johan and restore him but ends up falling in love with Jehu instead who is the dark Johan. Does that make any sense?

When he first walks up to her, he is drawn to her and embraces her and doesn't want her to leave his side. That's the short version anyway. I may expand upon this later.

The songs that inspired this are "Angel of Darkness" by Alex C. Ft. Yasmin K. and "Borderland" by Mami Kawada.
Angel of Darkness inspired this in the way the lyrics told the story. The Angel of Darkness is of course Jehu who seeks out somebody of light which is the girl. She fights him but doesn't defeat him so she stays with the dark Angel.

Borderland inspired this in the aspect that it talks about choosing sides. And also about keeping the balance between good and evil, light and dark. They can also work together too. At leats that's how I interpreted these two songs for this piece. And also because I love both of these songs a lot. :)

About The Drawing Itself
I drew this with mechanical pencil, inked it in with a black ink pen, and colored this with Crayola colored Pencils. This drawing all together took at least 4 to 5 hours to complete. There were a lot of details I colored and drew here. I tried some new shading techniques. I had fun doing the background blue fire. And this is my first time doing an embrace like this. I had fun drawing this.

Picture was taken from my Blackberry. I enhanced the drawing in Photoshop and made the colors brighter. And of course resized it to upload to theO.

I hope everybody enjoys the artwork. It took took awhile to make but it was worth it. I would appreciate some feedback on this. I know there is always room for improvement.

Dedication: Misachan83
Cause I can. :)

Personal Fan Art
angel of darkness, animeself, blue, dark, dark johan, dark trench coat, fire, girl, I AM THE LAW!, jehu, johan anderson, sailor moon, sailor senshi, yu-gi-oh, yu-gi-oh gx, yubel johan
19 votes thumb
15 members Favoritefavorite
art4life neilly SweeTea toyotami kun 21Emmz12 Artgrrl allycat2090 XxArrancarFanxX KyraChan misachan83
Member Dedication
Magic Scenes of Epicness
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