gkucutie (Fan Art Portfolio) Dannie Heart's Bio

Dannie Heart's Bio
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This is a complete bio for my OC for my upcoming story “Eardians” that I hope to start working on and putting up soon.
Basic Info:

Name: Dannie Evelyn Heart

Hero Identity: Regenia Shameka (short bio: http://gkinuwriter.deviantart.com/art/Regenia-Shameka-the-Sky-Guardian-543023075)

Age: 16yrsold (at start of story)

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5.6”

POB: Itzel, Ecaep

DOB: August 23th

Occupation: Student

Family: Wyatt Heart (Father), Juliana Heart (Mother), Aaric Heart (Older Brother), Felix (Little Brother), Riley DeGrave (Cousin), Cidney DeGrave (Cousin), and Jarious DeGrave (Uncle)

Personality: Dannie is kind, friendly, has strong empathy, understanding, doesn't like to worry people, gets mad but usually stays in control she only snaps when it's necessary. She is caring, always trying to do the right thing, can be a little reckless when it comes to helping others and the ones she cares about, always willing to help others and doesn't like letting people down.

Abilities/Talents: Able to communicate with ghosts other talents are unknown


Dannie's favorite foods are: Blueberries, anything made with Blueberries, cheesesteak sandwiches, egg rolls, stir fries, spinach, vanilla, stew and soups.

Dannie's likes: hanging out with friends/family, music, arts and crafts, watching superhero and detective shows, history, helping others, legends, stories, other likes are unknown.

Dannie dislikes: giving presentations, public speaking, snakes, being compared to others, thunderstorms and radishes

Strengths: Her ability to talk with ghosts, her friendliness, her kindness, her strive to help people, and history. Other strengths are unknown.

Weaknesses/Flaws: Public speaking, scared of thunderstorms, blueberries, sometimes her strive to help people gets her into trouble, her family and friends. Other flaws and weaknesses are unknown.

Back Story:
Dannie and her family moved to Janeswater from Itzel the capital of Ecaep when she was in the 8th grade. When she first moved to the village she was mute and wouldn't talk to anyone, every time someone tried to talk to her she would just run away. But one day two girls, Chasity LaDave and Mylan Ronden, came up and sat next to her and just started chatting up a storm while allowing her to just listen. Dannie was weary of their action at first, but after it went on for a while and after a few events took place she began putting her two cents into their conversation. Then before the three knew it they all became the best of friends, which lead Dannie to be the happy, smiley person she is currently. Dannie is a nice girl who constantly gets bullied and compared to her talented, successful family, because she has not talents of her own. But she does have one talent and that is the ability to communicate with ghosts, unfortunately only a few selected people know about it. However, the day she turns 16yrsold and ends up meeting the new neighbor, Ash Willwood, she discovers the reason she has that talent. She learns she's one of the legendary Eardians who are gradually getting reawakened to defeat an old evil that has resurfaced into their world once again. Will these events steer her into becoming the person she use to be? Only time will tell on this one.

Her Country: http://gkinuwriter.deviantart.com/art/Serica-s-Map-Take-Two-329378395

Her Region: http://gkinuwriter.deviantart.com/art/Ecaep-s-Map-329382193

Her Town: http://gkinuwriter.deviantart.com/art/Janeswater-Map-331415749

Dannie's House: http://gkinuwriter.deviantart.com/art/The-Heart-House-Outside-View-320971159

Dannie's Immediate Family: http://gkinuwriter.deviantart.com/art/The-Whole-Heart-Family-504977793

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
dannie, eardians, earth guardians, gkucutie
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