art4life (Fan Art Portfolio) Love at First Glance

Love at First Glance
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Song I used:

For Sena's Magic Scenes of Epicness challenge. The scene is like this( music doesn't play for entire scene so just wait for the cue):
Tomoshiro (boy) is working at a coffee shop and cleaning the empty tables, when he sees a table that is completely empty except for a coffee cup. Assuming that whoever was using the cup has already left, he heads over to clean the table and remove the cup.
Himeka (girl) exits the restroom of the coffee shop and notices that Tomoshiro is about to walk away with her coffee.
" Wait!", she shouts, and runs after him.
When he hears the sound of her voice Tomoshiro turns around just as Himeka runs up behind him and --♪♪ CUE MUSIC! ♪♪ -- they collide. Everything seems to move in slow motion as the cup is knocked out of Tomoshiro's hand. They glance up at each other for the first time and everything else is forgotten as they continue to stare into each other's eyes. Neither person reacts even when the cup hits the ground and shatters. It's not until the coffee begins to pool around their feet that they both look away, embarrassed. At the same time, Himeka and Tomoshiro bend down to pick up the pieces of the shattered cup. They both reach for the piece with the handle on it and grip it at the same time. They look up at each other again but this time Himeka gives Tomoshiro a cautious smile.
"Hi, "she says, "My name is Himeka."
"I'm Tomoshiro," he replies and returns her smile.
Maybe this is the beginning of something new....

Although the song with words is actually really sad seriously makes me want to cry, I think the instrumental version really fits this scene and sounds more romantic than sad.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
I AM THE LAW!, love, music, OC, scene
9 votes thumb
3 members Favoritefavorite
Rainbow Dragon code93 padirice
Member Dedication
Magic Scenes of Epicness
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