twilight tiger (Fan Art Portfolio) Mermaid Adventures (1)

Mermaid Adventures (1)
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Hey everyone!

So I made a post about how I was going to draw some mermaid pictures, and late one night I sketched this baby with pencil and it was all faded and dull XD But after a couple of weeks of staring at it and wondering what her story was and how I wanted her to be, I finally got around to inking it in with pen last night and developed a story!

So she is a fierce mermaid, not one of those nice ones, and it kind of explains why her hair looks kind of wild and not flow-y like Ariel's on the Little Mermaid :P

She has a best friend that's an octopus (which I decided randomly, but I think I was imagining if a mermaid had an octopus friend instead the normal dolphins or fish) who is silent and kind of silly but really cunning and doesn't let anyone mess her mermaid friend. Her eyes are kind of lop sided due to an accident she was in when she was just a small little octopus but she doesn't remember what really happened.

The hand pose of the mermaid was inspired by the gesture that the mermaid girls use in the TV show H2O to be able to stay in one place underwater.

Enjoy! I haven't decided on a name for her, or if she will even have one, but if you have some ideas, I'd love to hear it!

Personal Fan Art
adventure, crab, fins, mermaid, ocean, octopus, sea
6 votes thumb
4 members Favoritefavorite
code93 21Emmz12 LGA775 nikkeh09
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