gkucutie (Fan Art Portfolio) Duzell's Powers

Duzell's Powers
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Duzell Wolverine (Ash Willwood) is another OC from my upcoming story "Eardians", he's Ash's hero identity in the story and he's the Animal Guardian. That means he can transform into any animal in existence, even mythical ones like dragons or creatures in folktales, at least if there are pictures of what they look like. Not only can he transform he can also use the animals abilities to his own advantage, like he can run faster than any normal human, he also has super strength, since some animals have crazy strength and he has very advanced hearing and a strong sense of smell. This is also where Ash/Duzell's strong instincts come from, since animals always follow what their instincts tell them. He can also communicate with the animals, he understands what they are saying and they can understand him. He also has some energy attacks that relate to some of the animals he transforms into, for example, one of his favorite moves is called "Lion Roar" it's an attack where he roars like a lion and it produces an energy wave that paralyzes his opponents. He can use these energy attacks in his normal Eardian form or even has an animal.

The animals in back are only some of the forms he can transform into (also mainly these were the only animals that I had in my poser, otherwise I would have done a little more).

Anyway, so this a short bio of Duzell Wolverine, I liked how this turned out although some of the animals look a little funny mainly because some of them I didn't have a whole lot of mats for. Like the dog, which is right next to the lion, so I ended up coloring him to give him an Ash/Duzell type color.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
ash, duzell, eardians, earth guardians, gkucutie, superheroes
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