gkucutie (Fan Art Portfolio) Heart Family

Heart Family

Here's some short bios for the Heart Family, who are OCs from my upcoming story "Eardians". This is Dannie Heart's family, she's one of the main characters of the story.

Wyatt Heart:
Wyatt is a sports editor for region's newspaper, so whenever there's a game or any type of sport event going on you can bet he'll be there to get the story. He's a very intelligent man, he's like a sponge whatever he reads or learns it sticks to him. However, he can be an over thinker, doesn't like to make big decisions without doing tons of research and if he knows he's for his best interest. He's a very calm, laid back man, always likes to joke around, he hardly gets mad so when he does you know you are in for it.

Juliana Heart:
Juliana is a famous tailor in their region, all of the things she had made immediately become a hit. She loves to sew, needle point, and crocheting, she also likes to cook and bake. Another one of her loves is singing, she comes from a musical background and has a beautiful singing voice, she was even in a band and had a dream about becoming famous one day. However, when she turned 21yrsold that dream disappeared and fell back on her second love, which was sewing. She's kind and loving, but can be very stubborn and emotional, especially when it comes to the safety and well-being of her children.

Aaric Heart:
Aaric is 17yrsold when the story starts and he's the older brother. He's a very intelligent just like his father and has a photographic memory, he's basically a walking, humanized computer. He's mixed between wanting to work with computers or become an inventor, he hasn't made a complete decision yet. However as clever as he his Aaric is completely clueless when it comes to girls. He knows how to be a gentleman around them but if a girl likes him, he doesn't register or pick up on the signs. But besides all that, Aaric is a very funny, laid back young man and can easily get along with practically anyone, but he does have his mother's stubborn personality.

Felix Heart:
Felix is 10yrsold when the story starts and he's the youngest in this family and he's a sports fanatic just like his father. So he has joined every possible sport known in Serica, at least the ones that interest him, but unlike his older brother he's not very good at academics but does well enough to get by. He's still a little young so he's still figuring out where his life's going to go, but he either whats to be a professional in the sports world or just a sports news anchor. Felix is a little more rougher than his siblings and he's definitely the one to let you know what's on his mind and he's not afraid to tell you off if you're doing something idiotic.

There's the short bio on the members in this family, don't want to give too much away but this is enough to give you an idea of what these guys are like.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
eardians, earth guardians, families, gkucutie, superheroes
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