Groovy Boar (Fan Art Portfolio) God save the Queen

God save the Queen
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This is a draw of the Queen logo that i've done this past summer and now I decided to Colour it. I really wanted to pay a tribute to Queen, besides I think this is one of the most epic logos that exist.

I love Queen very much. They are my favourite band of all the time. I started to listen to them when I was a teenager and I have never stopped loving them. I personally think that Freddie Mercury is the best singer of all the times.

The Queen Crest was designed by Freddie Mercury shortly before the release of their first album.

The logo features the zodiac signs of all four members: two lions for Leo (Jonh Deacon-Bass and Roger Taylor-Drums), a crab for Cancer (Brian May-Guitar), and two fairies for Virgo (Freddie Mercury-Voice). The lions are embracing a stylised letter Q. There is also a crown inside the Q and the whole logo is over-shadowed by an enormous phoenix, symbol of Life and Immortality (And Queen it's an immortal band.)

Freddie Mercury decided the name "Queen" for the band: “Years ago I thought up the name “Queen” … It’s just a name, but it’s very regal obviously, and it sounds splendid … It’s a strong name, very universal and immediate. It had a lot of visual potential and was open to all sorts of interpretations. I was certainly aware of gay connotations, but that was just one face of it.”

So Queen Forever... and Stay Groovy ;-)

Queen Fan Art
best band ever, Brian May, Freddie Mercury, John Deacon, lions, logo, Phoenix, Queen, rock, Roger Taylor
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