Rainbow Dragon (Fan Art Portfolio) Johan Andersen (manga scan color)

Johan Andersen (manga scan color)
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Original Manga Scan: (x)

Previous Coloration I did

Colored in Photoshop CS5

I found another manga scan of Johan that was amazing so I decided to take a bit of time and color it in Photoshop. I have to say I am quite proud of this one. I colored another smaller scan I have found. But anyway I just wanted to share this with everyone and I welcome your feedback. I did my best to give it as much dimension as possible. I am more versed in traditional coloring vs ditigal but one day soon I'd love to create my own digital work. Anyways please enjoy my coloring of this manga scan of Johan Anderson. I really liked coloring the eyes.

Can I also add that the challenging things I encounted while coloring this would have to be the shading. The shading was difficult because I pretty much had to determine where the source of light was coming from. But the most difficult thing I think was coloring his hair and making sure it had enough shading and detail to make sure it didn't look flat. But regardless I am proud of the outcome.

Dedication: Darkarax
Here is your random dedication. I hope you enjoy.

Yu-Gi-Oh Fan Art
color, jesse, jesse anderson, johan, johan anderson, manga scan, yu-gi-oh gx
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6 members Favoritefavorite
allycat2090 nikkeh09 Darkarax SmallxLady Hifsa
Member Dedication
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