WildGirl1977 (Fan Art Portfolio) Ammy and Link at the Dog Park

Ammy and Link at the Dog Park
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There's actually a lot of similarities between my two favorite games, Okami and Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. They were released the same year, they were both ported to the Wii and implement the Wii's controls beautifully, they both have you going on a quest to restore nature, and the most obvious comparison, they both have you playing as wolves. Okay, you don't spend the whole of TP in Link's Sacred Beast form, but still. I love that Amateratsu is the most powerful goddess in the world and she's on a holy quest to vanquish evil, but she still acts like a big goofy puppy. I spent a lot of time looking at the Okami game booklet and pictures of dogs to get her pose right. Link was easier to pose, but a huge pain in the butt to color. I've heard people complain about TP's dark color scheme, but i never agreed with them till I tried to emulate it :p And I screwed it up, too, because Link's paws and face should be a lighter color than they are. That's okay, he looks pretty good. I made him a bit cuter and less scary than he is in the game (but his Hylian form's cuter )

Crossover Video Games Fan Art
amateratsu, cute, dog, dog park, goddess, hylian, legend of zelda, link, okami, play, puppy, sacred beast, sumi-e, twilight princess, wolf, zelda
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