I drew this for my friend for his birthday - it's his fat corgi fursona's monstrous crocodile hybrid form, a "corgodile"!
Check out the fullsize link to see the details in the face!!
You don’t know HOW much FUN I had drawing this!!!!!!!! The design is so cool! Imagine this thundering towards you with a snarl on his face… super frightening. And badass.
Artist notes! I can’t believe how well this came out - I’m still learning how to draw muzzles and fat rolls, but I’m immensely pleased at how I did.
I thought that ground-up lighting would increase the intimidation, but if you want, check out the flat colored version. Because I love both of them.
I also tried something new with the lineart, and I love how crisp it came out! Definitely different from how I usually leave lineart. I drew with a size 9 brush on the lineart layer, then went to the weight changing tool and made all the lines I had just drawn, thinner. The tool automatically tapered my lines and varied the thickness for me! I’m not the best at achieving line thickness variety, so I was very happy that this tool basically did the work for me. I think I’m going to use this technique more often.