moonlit dream (Fan Art Portfolio) Lafayette and Dmitri

Lafayette and Dmitri
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YO! It's me. B) I feel like this is my first actual finished art of the year. BUT IS IT ACTUALLY...? I DIDN'T EVEN DO A PROPER LINE ART AND JUST USED A PHOTO FOR THE BG...

Idk why it takes me so long to finish stuff... I actually did the sketch/line art around January, and finished coloring a couple months ago. AND HERE WE ARE NOW... IN MAY.......... I feel like Lafayette's hair came out a little weird since I drew it several months ago. ;u;7 EH, WHATEVER... Overall I'm pretty happy with this came out. Idk if the background actually works, but at least it's there. :^D;;;; I do like how I ended up coloring this, tho.

mmmmyeah idk what else to say here. This is a totally irrelevant topic, but I heard back from Nekocon's pro-row judges, and I didn't get in. ;-;7 I'mma apply for the regular artist alley, but since it's lottery-based, I really have no idea if I'll get in;;; I'm working on actually setting up an online store, though... that'll look better for anime con applications. I JUST WANNA SELL ART AT A NOT-TOO-BIG-BUT-NOT-TOO-SMALL ANIME CONVENTION....

Photo used for the bg: [x]
Idk why I used the 109 building.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
dmitri, idk, lafayette, oc, ocs, original character, original characters, paint tool sai, sai, thing
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8 members Favoritefavorite
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