Samurai Usagi is a completed manga by Fukishima Teppei, who cleverly combined some of my favorite things: Samurai and Rabbits!
As far as I'm concerned, there isn't an animated adaptation capturing the events of
Gosuke Udagawa (15) and his rabbit-style dojo which he formed for himself, his rabbit-loving wife Shino (15?), and others to just enjoy the art of kendo.
Each rabbit in the middle represents a main character.
I haven't done fanart in a while and of all things to make fanart for, why not a manga that's kept me giggling since the first chapter. (I've not completed it yet)
I tried to capture the style seen in the manga, with my own flair, apparently.
I cannot draw the quirky plethora of rabbits.
thanks for making the challenge! : 3