And third doodle dump.
Marshall is my new baby!!! He's a Maine coon!!
My baby Van is a part of a harem with Rein as his master and this month the challenge is to make Rein a sexy outfit and this is the second one.
So yeah requests to have a character in the doodle dumps are open. I'll probably at least get them to base colors before I get them to you though. It's going to take me a bit because I'm stuck wearing my glasses for a week because of a slight eye infection so I can't really stare at my screen for long periods of time. oTL
Rein (c) Reclince on DA
Piper (c) Stingrayqueen on DA
Jewels (c) clueless101
Marshal (c) clueless101
Van (c) clueless101
Me with my glasses on XD