I've had this idea in my head for awhile, but finally got the time to put it to paper this week! Took a couple revisions, but I'm mostly happy with it now. This is a tattoo design for my OC Natalya; each feather represent one person or a group of people that have shaped her life in one way or another. I decided to label each feather in Finnish, with the exception of one, since the country Natalya and Liiza are from (that I haven't invented yet :P ) speaks the language. The one exception is "матушка" which mean "Mother" in Russian since her biological mom was from there. Here are the translations for the rest:
Sisko = Sister
Taatto = Father
Perhe = Family
Ystävykset = Friends
Urhit = Victims
P.S. Just noticed I need to make some corrections lol