Rainbow Dragon (Fan Art Portfolio) Jehu pegasus + Unicorn self

Jehu pegasus + Unicorn self
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Materials: IPAD + Photoshop

Reference: this


Yes the poses aren't exactly as referenced in the reference. I wanted to do my own thing with it and try kind of a...I don't know what you would call it. Again I am not very good with describing things sometimes.

Basically I wanted to draw Yubel Johan/Jehu as a pony. Of course he ended up being a pegasus which was dark blue. His pose was a bit of a challenge but I did my best. This is my first time attempting a pony "couple" so yeah.

The short story is wanted to draw my unicorn self with Jehu as a Pegasus pony. I'm not quite sure what his "cutie mark" would be to be honest. So I just went with a generic moon. Mine is kind of like a red music note with wings with a paintbrush. I didn't want to copy other people and did my best to make mine as unique to my unicorn as possible. Again drawing MLP style ponies is a challenge and I'm hoping with more practice I can get better.

I am now obsessed with MLP: FIM sO I have been binge watching it like crazy. Love it so much so far. Reminds me of cartoons I grew up with that actually had a heart and soul. That is what MLP has for me is that heart and soul and I wish I could be apart of that colorful world and be friends with the "Mane 6" and ponies of Ponyville and help the Cutie Mark Crusaders get their cutie marks. Just so much fun.

I might do a separate draw of Pegasus Jehu. But for my first attempt I like how he turned out. Colors fit him I think.

Hope everybody enjoys what I did here. I can't believe I uploaded 3 arts in a row. That is actually rare for me.

My Little Pony Fan Art
animeself, couple, friendship is magic, jehu, mlp, my little pony, pegasus, pony, ponyself, unicorn, yu-gi-oh gx, yubel johan
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