Rainbow Dragon (Fan Art Portfolio) as Long there is Christmas

as Long there is Christmas
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Reference for dress

Time; Roughly 4 hours

Materials: iPad, Photoshop


Title borrowed from this song


Where do I even begin with this one? Other than I finally got my "Christmas" art done. Yes I had many ideas but this one ended up overriding the others. Ruri is wearing Belle's Christmas Dress from Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas. I had to do it since I did like 3 arts of Ruri wearing Belle's Ballgown dress. Well anyway on with the art description.

Yeah Beauty and the Beast strikes again with a Ruri dressed as Belle again. Of course I said why I dressed her up in Belle's Christmas dress. This just had to be done. Needed to do a Christmas draw.

Lots of time spent on making the line art look just right. And a lot of time just spent on recoloring/redrawing certain areas. As the iPad app doesn't really allow me to work in layers so that was frustrating. Than fast forward a couple hours later after dinner. Import said drawing into Photoshop and the process begins all over again because there was A LOT I was not happy with so I ended up drawing a lot of it again. So yeah that took awhile too.

Long story short and many hours later, I'm glad I drew my Christmas Ruri. It took a lot of work but here she is. I did not make the Christmas background but it felt fitting. Anyway please enjoy this Christmasy draw.

Merry Christmas everypony. Hope everypony has a good holiday no matter what you celebrate. Wish you ponies the best of the season.
Love you awesome ponies.

Crossover Anime and Manga Fan Art
beauty and the beast, belle, crossover, dress, enchanted christmas, ruri, ruri kurosaki, snow, snowflakes, winter, yu-gi-oh arc-v
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