SS drawing still isn't done... I probably won't finish coloring it until after Christmas.... ;m;/ BUT IN THE MEAN TIME, HERE'S MY 2016 ART SUMMARY!
I didn't draw a lot in the beginning of the year, apparently. Dx I didn't have a lot of stuff posted to my portfolio for the first couple months. I feel like I did a fair amount of finished art this year, but it all came in the summer and toward the end of the year. ;u;7 ALAS...
I think this year is defined by a little bit more experimentation with color/color palettes and some solidification of anatomy thanks to my life drawing class. I definitely understand heads in 3-D a lot better (though it's still no where near perfect). I think I've also gotten more comfortable doing line art in a shorter period of time. ;o One of my biggest issues with line art in the past was drawing wrinkles in clothing, but I think it makes a lot more sense now. I actually wanted to include this in the art summary bc it really helped me with line art, but the Madoka Magica watercolor drawing was a lot better haha;;; I think that watercolor drawing my best piece of the year, tbh. I hope to do more watercolor stuff like it in the future! *o*/
Idk what to try to improve for next year... I definitely need to do more backgrounds, but I'm so behind on backgrounds that I don't even really know where to start. ;u;/ SO... I GUESS I'LL JUST WING IT, HAHA;;
Anyway, there's that. Here's to another year of drawing!! >:U