Rainbow Dragon (Fan Art Portfolio) Judai's 2016 Draw Summary

Judai's 2016 Draw Summary
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Well....I finally did it....I managed to find pieces that I did earlier this year and put them in this summary template...thing. I know right? Never done this before. Meant to do it previous years but for some reason I always got sidetracked. I got squirreled as it were. Yeah I get easily distracted or I got busy...oh squirrel....OK I am back...for real now....

When I was trying to decide on which pieces were the best of each month of 2016 I realize that this is actually a good tool to use to see how much you've improved overall. Someday I can look back on this and be like "Oh wow, I can't believe I have come such a long way" or "Whoa look at those arts"....yeah you get what I'm saying.

In all seriousness though I feel like I have come a long way. Yes I know I still has a long way to go with my draws and one day I will get there. I love drawing. It's fun. I don't care if I ever get "perfect" at it but I will always keep trying to improve. Same with my graphics. I will keep trying new techniques in all art areas of my life to keep growing.

I have to say that I've had a lot of inspiration from many artists here on theO, whether they be senpai members or only been around the past recent years. I've learned things from everybody here. And will keep learning things here. I hope to be around here another 10 years to see how much how myself and other artists have grown. We encourage each other here and that's what have kept me coming back here for so long. I'm still here. Making art. Will be making more arts in the new year as well.

So I guess I'd like to say thank you to all you awesome ponies. Keep drawing and keep moving forward. Thanks for everypony's support. It really means a lot to me. There have been MANY times I have wanted to give up on drawing but you guys have kept me drawing. I don't know...what I'd do....without....any...of...you....

Personal Fan Art
2016, art, digital, judai winchester, summary, traditional
7 votes thumb
5 members Favoritefavorite
nikkeh09 WildGirl1977 misachan83 allycat2090
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