icefoxchan (Fan Art Portfolio) 2016 Art Summary

2016 Art Summary
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OH LOOK IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN WHERE I POST ON HERE AFTER, LIKE, FOREVER FEATURING ART THAT I MAY HAVE POSTED ON OTHER PLACES BUT NOT HERE. But seriously though, most of these I actually ended up posting on my tumblr(both my old one before I got locked out of it and my new one) and twitter, February, May and August I actually didn't post on any social media(February was part of something I did for a private roleplaying forum and May was just concept art for a relatively new OC that's been sitting on my computer all this time. As for August, that was pretty much just a thing I was going to make into some proper "finished" art but ended up just being a piece of lineart).

Admittedly, 2016 was pretty much the year I realized "improvement" doesn't really mean I have to churn out at least one 100% finished, high-quality drawing every month, and so much of my art on here is essentially more sketchy, monochromatic and minimalist stuff. When I was comparing this particular art summary with the ones I did from 2015 and 2012, I initially thought 2016 was a year where my art stagnated because of that, but it's not necessarily as "bad" as I first though, honestly. I mean, 2012 was when my art style really started to develop, but I was also in quite a slump towards the end of that year, and 2015 really just happened to be one of my better years, I think. Not to mention I wanted 2016 to be a year where I could draw stuff a bit quicker without completely compromising quality, which I guess also ended up leading to this trend;;

I will say though, this year I think I've actually been improving quite a bit with drawing male anatomy and male characters in general (still LOATHE trying to draw guy's legs just because I like drawing curves and all, but I'll get there someday, probably). Not to mention I'm slowly getting a better hang on a basic way to draw profiles; not even DIFFERENTIATING them 100% but just, profiles in general, since I always felt the way I've drawn profiles before ended up looking kinda wonky in some way. I haven't perfected them yet, but it's definitely a start!

Overall, I would say my favorite pics from this year are probably June, November and December. June and December mostly because I got to play around a little with anatomy (and regarding June, I've been wanting to try draw my OC, my dearest Blanca's doll anatomy, so it was quite fun gdfnjkdfskjn), with November I simply got the rare chance to draw some FF fanart and well, drawing Final Fantasy fanart is far from easy but I had fun uvu
Least favorite for 2016 is probably July, just because it now feels kind of eyesore for me? Or maybe TOO basic? I'm not totally sure how to describe it, though I guess it's a work where I think I compromised too much detail and could've used a better set of colors fgjhfdjnfs

As far as what I want to improve on in 2017 idk completely, though I've been wanting to do more gesturing and poses, at the very least. But really though, I'll see how I want to push myself further and work like that!
It's already 2AM on the 31st here already, so happy new year's eve and here's to another year of art!

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2016 art summary, 2016 summary of art, summary of art
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