envythejealous (Fan Art Portfolio) OC Combo!

OC Combo!
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Phew I barely made the deadline!
I had a bit of trouble coming up with an idea for this, but I decided to combine the goddess Kate and then Klye and it's probably something I'll use in the story later (the idea is that a goddess's soul can inhabit another body but it's very stressful on the host body, and because Klye's body has been heavily modified she's able to withstand it).
I've always liked that one Hindu god(ess?) with all the arms so I wanted to add that in here, and then I thought she might look cool with four eyes...? I dunno. Drawing extra arms is harder than it looks, at least for me! I added the bones in (bones are hard to draw) because the power's too much for her body and I kind of imagine her becoming translucent to a degree. Originally this entire story was meant to have an Egyptian vibe so I wanted to draw princessey Egyptian clothes on her. And I don't know if this matters, but the axes are there because Kate's very skilled at using weapons. I tried to depict Klye's physical strength too. I went with Kate's hair because I wanted it to flow a certain way and that wasn't going to work with Klye's dreads.
I hope this works!
Thanks for a cool challenge, DarlingV!

Art/character(s) c) Me! Please don't steal!

Personal Fan Art
aliens, envythejealous, goddess, kate, klye, ocs
6 votes thumb
4 members Favoritefavorite
WildGirl1977 boyprincess DarlingV
Member Dedication
OC Combo Time!
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