Ellenor Mererid (Fan Art Portfolio) Seal Family

Seal Family
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This was inspired by some doodles I did a while back of my character Lovell as a merman - Merman!Lovells and I really liked the look and feel to them .. . . so I made a new character based on that DX XD I'm still fleshing and working him out, I want him to be similar to Lovell - because I need more happy bubbly characters, but not be a simple carbon copy of him either.

So far I've worked out
- Name is Aser - Swedish name - means happiness
- He is a grey seal
- Somewhere in his teens (thus the two toned hair - going from the baby white to the adult browny Technically should be the other way around but I like it like this . .
- Doesn't like living with his family/colony, so spends most of his time playing and hunting with a group of seals that have taken him in as a big strange looking pup XD
- was originally from Scandinavia - but somehow ended up in the UK (maybe got separated during a storm and washed up there, or snuck on a boat and sailed away~)
- Generally is quite happy and bubbly, is quite shy and nervous of humans - but really likes surfers, he likes fish and crabs, and is quite fond of human food - he's tried the left overs from picnickers, HATES speed boats! Dislikes gulls as they like to steal his food.
- He likes making sure that surfers and young/nervous swimmers are safe in the water ~

and that's about it at the moment ^^;

I think he's quite cute, and I really like the drawing - I might add bubbles to it but I'm not sure yet :D
I hope you all like it!

Art and character belong to me

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Personal Fan Art
Aser, digital art, fun, grey seal, mermaid, merman, new character, oc, play, seal, under water
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