Hi everybody! after 13847 years I'm actually able to post something! this is in fact one of the illustrations I made to post with the story I wrote about my OC Salazar.
This project kept me busy for several months, but I'm so happy that I actually wrote it since it was some time that I was thinking about it! and now I finally finished it! YAY!
The story it's a little longer than expected but I think it's fast to read after all, beside I drawn this illustrations to make it more enjoyable, so I would be really really really happy if someone would take the time to read it!
the story it's in my world "Team Nero & Co." and here it's the link to it! STORY!
I hope you will like it and please if you read it leave me a comment to let me know your opinion about it! I would love to receive some feedback on it!
Well that's everything for now. have a great day and stay groovy :-)