moonlit dream (Fan Art Portfolio) Ritsu Takeda

Ritsu Takeda
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FINALLY........ A DECENT COMPLETED DRAWING OF ONE OF MY OCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When was the last time I even did a full illustration of one of my characters?? This maybe? Or this? Honestly I wouldn't even count those because the first one I did all in one night as an experiment, and the second one doesn't even have a real line art. I wanna say the last time I actually planned out and tried to do a full illustration of one of my characters was this. 2015, Y'ALL..... THAT WAS A WHILE AGO. And I wasn't even really that happy with that one ahaha. GLAD 2 FINALLY HAVE A DRAWING OF ONE OF MY OCS WHERE I ACTUALLY LIKE HOW IT CAME OUT.

But anyway. YEAH! Here's a print-quality drawing of 1920s Laf that I drew for Otakon. Originally I was going to draw something with both 1920s Laf and 1920s Dmitri, but I'm glad I didn't. That would've taken so long............. But yeah, honestly I have no idea what to expect with selling prints for Otakon because my prints have done really poorly the last couple cons I've done. WHICH I UNDERSTAND TBH, a lot of them are old and haphazardly finished. I really only drew this to help fill up the 50% original art quota that Otakon requires, but... idk I'm still happy I drew it ahah.

The quote in the background is some random 1920s quote that I found when I googled 1920s quote. :^);;; The original version is “Well-lit streets discourage sin, but don't overdo it” (by William Kennedy...? Idk who that is). I decided to try to translate it into Japanese because I didn't want it to distract too much from the drawing or something. And also because Lafayette/Ritsu is Japanese. Idk.

Anyway, that's what I've got. I'm gonna try to do one more print of Lafayette (this time just his normal 16-year-old self) before seeing if I have time to do more fan art stuff, so expect that sometime this month I guess. >:0 Thanks for viewing!!

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
1920s au, digital art, lafayette, paint tool sai, ritsu, ritsu takeda, sai
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