moonlit dream (Fan Art Portfolio) Black Seifuku

Black Seifuku
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I've gotten worse at titles... I never know what to put. "orz

Anyway, here's a thing that was going to just be a doodle to practice sketching digitally on a large canvas size... but then it kind of turned into a bigger thing, haha. I didn't even do a line art for this tbh, the "line art" was just going to be the sketch I normally do over my traditional preliminary sketches, but it turned out not too bad. My style is doing crazy things all of a sudden...!! I think I just remembered that I can use a bigger brush size for line arts. I also think that I don't press as hard on my tablet as I used to when I draw, which means it's easier for me to get a bit more line weight variation than before. I THINK IT'S LOOKING KINDA COOL...!

I'm debating on whether or not to make this into a real print... I drew it at a printable size and I kinda like it, but I also put like zero planning into it and it only took me about 3 hours so IT DOESN'T FEEL LIKE A REAL PRINT... NOT ENOUGH EFFORT HAHAHA;;; Plus it's another OC print, and idk I'm worried about not selling my OC stuff... I know I said I was gonna do another Laf print in the previous picture's description, but I've kind of been flip-flopping about that. :T HMMM.... IDK MAYBE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK? what should I do, idk..........

But yeah. Lafayette. The color scheme made him look a lot like that Kill La Kill chick, whoops;;; THANKS 4 VIEWING THO AND HAVE A NICE WEEKEND Y'ALL!!!

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
lafayette, lafayette takeda, oc, original character, paint tool sai, sai
4 votes thumb
6 members Favoritefavorite
WyvernWings zevbra toyotami kun XxArrancarFanxX Kazamas-Keyblade
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