Heeey it's been awhile! Panou requested me to draw her cutie OC Lucky :) He's having a good summer!!
I figured since you requested this here I'd post it on theO first!
Oh! And thank you soso much for your letter, Panou-chan!! I was smiling ear to ear the whole time ♥ ♥ ♥ also CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW AMAZING YOUR WATERCOLOR ILLUSTRATION OF RALLY WAS??????? LIKE WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! HONESTLY!!!!!! thank you so much!!!!!!!! I'm going to treasure her forever ♥ ♥ ♥
I hope you have a wonderful rest of your summer~!
And to those who still follow my art here: thanks so much! Hope you have a nice summer too! Feel free to message me n' stuff, I still check theO fairly regularly lol. I'm also available for commissions! (COMMISSION MEEEE!)