I would like to apologize again, been away for an eternity.... I know Q_Q
had a mid-life crisis, changed my life goal (those who plays the sims would know what I mean)
from animator to tour leader.... DRASTIC... I seriously could make a novel about what happened haha, but no plans on doing that rite now
but I still love art, and will never EVER STOP. I mentioned in the previous artwork I uploaded, if I can discipline myself, I want to make a mix of a novel and a comic of this original story I've had in mind for years now, I'm dying to actually make it, but my laziness after a day of busy traveling and studying history, etc. (which I LOVE, there's no doubt here)
so if it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen slowly (no please, don't mention the song)
Anyways, sorry for the essay. Hope you like :D