clarkrankins (Fan Art Portfolio) Goku and ChiChi

Goku and ChiChi
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Hi everyone! I'm back again with another dose of some artwork. I drew this some time ago back in march. The reason I chose to draw this was because I displayed perfectly of how Goku and Chichi were back then when they were kids. She's was always trying to follow him around and Goku being Goku was always a little clueless as to why she was doing this😂. Is wild to think that the Ox king is her father, being that he looks like this massive giant. I love seeing people with their significant back when they were young. It's a rare thing for people to stay together a have a happy and loving relationship for that period of time. I know they didn't get together until much later in their lives, but nonetheless they make a duo. I've literally been watching Dragon Ball Z series since I was 8. Goku was the first character I ever drew and he has a lot to do with why I first started drawing in the first place. I would be in class drawing all kinds of DBZ characters, getting yelled at by teachers😂. This would still be my number 1 anime had it not been for Naruto/Naruto Shippuden. I used artist loft illustration pens for the ink. I also use faber castell big artist brush to fill in large dark areas. I bought an 8x11 sketchbook that I do all of these in, unless Its in color. I use a Staedtler eraser instead of ones that are on the back of pencils. I'll update this post with the pencils I used for the light sketch. I wonder...Have you seen Dragon Ball? How do you feel about the DBZ series? What do you think about the artwork? Don't be shy, let's talk😄

Here's a link to the full process if you'd like to see:

DragonBall Fan Art
, anime, art, artist, artwork, chichi, clark, dragonball, drawing, fanart, goku, ink drawing, manga
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4 members Favoritefavorite
GoldenLioness Samedi-Mai
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